Wednesday, September 20, 2023

75 Hard - Day 50 Update


Yesterday I completed day 50 of the 75 Hard Challenge. When I started this program, I initially didn’t give myself much of a chance to complete it, but I was tired of kicking the proverbial can down the road and made the decision to give it a shot. To say that I have both impressed myself and been impressed with this challenge is an understatement. I’ll detail some of the results to date below…


Although weight loss itself wasn’t a specific goal, I am down 7 pounds since Day 1. I am also down 1.75” off of my waist, which implies that all of the weight I have lost so far is body fat, as I know from prior experience that a pound of fat usually equates to about ¼” on my gut. More importantly, I like the results in the mirror and the way I am feeling as well. Additionally, I am getting stronger in my core lifts, despite working around various old injuries, slipped discs, surgical repairs, etc., which I have to be careful with.  


In addition to the physical aspects of the challenge, I have read more than 600 pages from self-improvement and entrepreneurial books, having completed The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and Trejo’s Tacos by Danny Trejo, in addition to starting the classic: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. I am also reading daily excerpts of The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday and 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class by Steve Siebold. To ensure that I am actually learning from these reading sessions, I am journaling key points each day and keeping both a written and electronic log of the highlights.


Some recent changes I’ve made within the program has been to lower my caloric intake to really increase fat loss and to focus more on getting more sleep, as my insomnia has decreased the quality and overall amount of sleep the past couple of weeks. This may or may not be due to my overactive mind as a result of all that I am reading, so I will also focus on getting my reading knocked out early each day to see if that works.


See you again in 10 days with another update, God-willing….

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